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Financial Aid Policies

Satisfactory Academic Progress

财政援助规定要求你在完成学位或证书方面取得令人满意的学术进展. For example, 你必须保持最低的平均成绩,并且每学期必须通过至少三分之二的课程. This policy sheet describes the guidelines in detail. 它还为您提供了如何对该政策提出上诉的信息.

在我们每年为您提供奖励之前,我们会审查您的进度. 为了获得经济援助,你必须满足以下所有的指导方针. 即使你过去没有获得过经济资助,这也适用. 如果你对这项政策有任何疑问,请联系财政援助办公室.

Minimum Grade Point Average

  1. 如果你是在学院的第一学期入学, you will not yet have a grade point average. 你将被认为是符合学术进步指导方针.
  2. If the College places you on Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal 你不会取得令人满意的学业进步以获得经济资助. 试用期是基于你的累积平均成绩. 完整的定义可在学院目录中找到. 以下是学术地位的一般准则:
Hours toward GPA*Good Standing CGPAAcademic ReviewProbation CGPA
9–15 credits 2.0 1.50–1.99 Below 1.50
16–24 credits 2.0 1.75–1.99 Below 1.75
25+ credits 2.0 N/A Below 2.00

Maximum Time to Earn a Degree or Certificate

  1. 在CCCC期间,你必须在至少三分之二(67%)的“尝试学分”中获得及格分数.
    • Attempted credits: All 在学院“退课期”结束时出现在注册记录上的课程.“休学期通常在开学第一周结束.
    • The following grades are treated as attempted credits, but are not considered passing: F (failing), ABS (absent), W (withdrawn), R (repeat), I (incomplete), AU (audit).
    • Example 1: You have just finished your first year. 在秋季,你尝试了12个学分,并通过了6个学分. In the spring, you attempted 12 and completed 12. 总的来说,你已经尝试了24个学分,并获得了18个(或75%). You are making satisfactory academic progress.
    • Example 2: 在过去的4个学期和夏季课程中,您已经尝试了48个学分. You have withdrawn from or audited several courses. You earned passing grades in 24 credits (or 50%). You are not making satisfactory academic progress.
  2. You may take one full Withdrawal from the College. For Medical Withdrawals, 你必须与招生管理和咨询服务主任完成这个过程.
  3. 你必须在合理的时间内获得学位或证书. 联邦法规允许你获得所需时间的150%来获得学位. 因为CCCC的学生经常在全日制和兼职状态之间波动, 我们将以“尝试学分”来衡量你获得学位的时间,而不是以学期或年为单位.
    • Attempted credits: All courses that appear on your registration record. This includes transfer credits, non-graduation credits, repeated classes, audits, 以及未获得及格分数的课程(见上文例1).
    • If you have changed your program of study, 我们仍然认为你过去修过的所有课程都是尝试学分.
    • Example 1: If your program of study is an Associate in Arts, 你必须在90学分内完成你的学位.
    • Example 2: If your program of study is an Associate of Science, we will calculate the 150% point for your program. For example, the Nursing program requires 66 credits. 66 x 150% is 99. 你需要在99学分内获得护理学位.
    • Example 3: 如果你的学习项目是一个证书,我们会为你的项目计算150%的分数. 例如,律师助理证书需要24学分. 24 x 150% is 36. 你需要在36个学分内获得律师助理证书.


经济援助的目的是让你获得一个机构颁发的证书或学位, and then transfer. However, since we offer a variety of certificates and degrees, 如果您计划在CCCC获得多个证书,则适用以下政策.

  1. 你的经济援助资格将被限制在det365中文最多两个证书. A credential is a degree or a certificate.
  2. 如果你之前获得了CCCC的副学士学位, 您必须满足以下条件才能获得其他证书的经济援助:
    • 你必须申请接受学位或证书课程(这是“预科”).
    • After a full, 15-week semester without financial aid, 然后,你可以申请获得未来条款的援助. 在为期15周的学期中,你不需要在学校, 但如果你愿意,你也可以在没有经济资助的情况下上课.
    • 财政援助办公室将要求对你的学习项目进行学位审核. You will receive financial assistance only for courses required to earn the second credential.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid

  1. You have the right to appeal any denial of aid. 你必须写好请愿书并在上面签名,然后把它提交给财政援助办公室. We do not accept appeals by telephone or appointment. 在等待对您的上诉的答复期间,您有责任全额支付学费和杂费. The Financial Aid Director will review your appeal. 上诉通常因以下原因获得批准:
    • 学生或其直接照顾的个人长期患病.
    • Death of a close family member.
    • Previously undiagnosed learning disabilities.
    • Recall to active military duty.
    • 学生无法控制的特殊情况.
  2. If the Director denies your appeal, 你可以要求由财政援助和奖学金委员会进行第二次审查. 秋季学期的委员会会议在九月开始,春季学期的委员会会议在二月开始. 您必须以书面形式提交此请求,并提供额外的解释和/或文件来支持您的请求.
  3. 如果你已经离开学校至少一年,并且成绩低于2分.累积平均成绩为0,你可能需要申请“重新开始”选项.“如果招生办公室接受你参加‘重新开始’, 你将达到令人满意的学业进步指导方针. 财政援助必须在重新开始之前将所有尝试的学分计入150%的时间限制. For more information on Fresh Start contact Advising Services.
  4. 你可以在没有经济资助的情况下继续在CCCC学习. 如果你重新获得满意的状态,你可以再次申请经济援助.

Withdrawal Policy

See: 联邦第四章基金的提取和返还联邦政策

Contact the Financial Aid Office

Location: Nickerson Administration Building, Ground Floor

Hours: Zoom drop-ins with Financial Aid

Monday–Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Meeting ID: 983 1467 4608
Password: FinAid

Other times are available by appointment. Please contact us if you need an early-evening time.

Phone: 774.330.4393

Fax: 508.375.4026


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